Scott decocheur index caliper ref A046097
The Caliper is the original dual caliper Scott release and it has stood the test of time! - The original dual caliper Scott release! - Solid Swivel Connector - Knurled-trigger for superior grip, versatility
The Caliper is the original dual caliper Scott release and it has stood the test of time! - The original dual caliper Scott release! - Solid Swivel Connector - Knurled-trigger for superior grip, versatility
The Echo release features Scott's new HyperJaw design. Scott engineers spent hundreds of hours to develop and test dozens of geometry configurations. The end result is a never before seen configuration in archery releases. The independent jaws operate in perfect synchronization with one another. This removes any lateral torque that may come... - Patent pending design - Independent jaws eliminate torque - Off-center design delivers high efficiency opening response - Roller Trigger System (RTS) for smooth, adjustable trigger action - Separate trigger travel and tension adjustments for a wide range of trigger adjustment - New, curved trigger design provides a distinct feel and increased finger placement options - Ergonomic grip ridges help give you the same finger placement every time
The Talon is the straightest shooting hook style release available today. The Talon delivers 100% hook clearance - creating extreme accuracy and tunability. The single sear driven, inline design of the Talon release reduces string loop torque. With the quality and precision you expect from Scott Archery. The auto-returning stainless steel hook gives you an eagle-like grip. From draw to anchor - shoot straight with TrueCenter pull and total loop clearance. - More tension adjustment than any other release - The only hook style release with TrueCenter pulling to reduce loop torque - 100% loop clearance - no more string ticks - Fully-adjustable trigger and travel adjustment - Grip ridges for accurate pull - 9 different length adjustments - Auto-reset returning hook - Single sear design - Zero travel - Torque-less fall away connector strap
Finding the sign. Glassing the fields. Playing the wind. Picking your spot. Don’t ever doubt your Recon! The Scott family was the first to bring an automatically-closing return jaw to the market. This feature was first found in the Mongoose XT, then again in the Freedom XT. Now, with the Roller Trigger System and the cam-lock, fold-back connector, and shotgun-style trigger, the Recon brings the automatic closing jaw to new heights. - Roller Trigger System for smooth trigger return - Featuring the new, cam-lock fold back connecting strap for unimpeded use of hands - Stainless steel, auto closing jaw - New, curved trigger design provides a distinct feel and increased finger placement options - Ergonomic head helps with repeatable finger placement - Adjustable trigger travel - Proven Scott single caliper Roller Sear design - Solid swivel connector with 5-hole spiral length adjustment
For nearly 40 years, the Scott Archery family's innovations have been a part of success stories. From the roar of tournament crowds to the quiet of the hunting woods. The Scott Legacy pulls from some of the most successful innovations in Scott's history. This dual-caliper bow release is offered on Scott's NCS connector system for better comfort and adjustability. The modified HyperJaw design delivers the cleanest loop release with no added torque during the shot. The NCS connector strap offers ultimate adjustability for better comfort and a clean release. The Hyper Jaw design equalizes the pressure on the loop and puts the least amount of torque on it during the shot. - Auto closing Hyper jaws - Compact ergonomic body design provides a more comfortable and repeatable anchor - Proven Scott caliper roller sear design - NCS connector strap system for infinite length adjustment - Leather buckle strap
As a new-comer to the Scott Archery youth release lineup, the Hero X is the little brother to the Scott Legacy. Built on the NCS connector on Scott's uber-comfortable youth buckle strap, the vibrant colors and clean lines are sure to please young archers. The famed Scott reliability, dependability, and high quality are sure-fire pleasers to those footing the bill. With tons of adjustability and a buckle strap built to grow with them, this is a release that won't need to get replaced for a long time to come. - Available in vibrant blue or purple - Auto closing, Scott-exclusive modified HyperJaws - Compact ergonomic body design provides a more comfortable and repeatable anchor - Proven Scott caliper roller sear design - NCS connector strap system for infinite length adjustment - Leather buckle strap
Hyper Jaw Technology - Stainless Steel Auto Closing Jaws - Ergonomic Body - Knurled Trigger - Solid Swivel Connector with 4-hole Length Adjustment - Cam-Lock Fold Back Strap Connector - Leather Strap with Neoprene for Extra Comfort
Index finger release by Scott Archery.
Index finger release by Scott Archery.
Quelque chose de très nouveau et de très différent de T.R.U. Ball® : Le nouveau X-Tension R/T est un déclencheur de type dragonne qui peut être tiré de deux manières, une méthode d'activation par traction ou détente. Pour tirer comme un déclencheur de style pull-thru, commencez par régler le déclencheur à 5 livres au-dessus de votre poids de maintien à pleine allonge. Dessinez simplement l'arc avec les leviers de tension du pouce et de l'index fermement enfoncés tout au long du dessin de l'arc. Lorsque le tirage complet est atteint, retirez la pression du levier de tension du pouce et de l'index et tirez à travers le tir, lorsque 5 livres au-dessus de votre poids de maintien est atteint, la libération se déclenchera.
Pour un style d'activation relaxant, réglez la libération à 5 livres de moins que votre poids de maintien à pleine allonge. Dessinez simplement l'arc avec les leviers de tension du pouce et de l'index fermement enfoncés tout au long du dessin de l'arc, lorsque vous relâchez la pression sur les leviers de tension du pouce et de l'index, le déclencheur se déclenchera. Le poids de maintien de votre arc est supérieur au réglage de largage, ce qui provoque le déclenchement du largage.
Pour régler la libération dans l'une ou l'autre méthode, desserrez la vis de verrouillage sur le côté, puis ajustez le cadran de réglage du poids de tirage au poids souhaité. Nous vous suggérons une échelle de tir à l'arc électronique pour régler cette version, et la même échelle pour vérifier que vos arcs tiennent le poids pour être cohérent.
Décocheur de poignet confortable et durable. Design qui permet de s'adapte à toute maine et taille moyenne à grande. La tete rotative à 360# empeche toute torsion. Gachette déjà reglée. Utilisable par les archers droitiers et gauchers.
The TruFire Exert is purpose-built to help increase accuracy with a crisp and clean feel.
The Solex index finger release from Stan offers hunters the premium target quality performance Stan is known for in a compact, consistent hunting release platform.