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optique de viseé et armeur
Skorpion armeur arbalète Manuel cp xbow 2 ref 53P182
Loadable on a wide range of crossbows, including:
- Skorpion XBC 350
- Skorpion XBC 250
- Skorpion XBC 370 lite
Skorpion armeur arbalète Manuel cp xbow ref 53E639
Loadable on a wide range of crossbows, including:
- Skorpion XBC 370
- Skorpion XBR 100
- Skorpion XBR 200
- Skorpion XBH Elite
- Skorpion XBH Tactical
Carbon express armeur arbalète manuel ref 53D980
Le chargement de l'arbalète peut prendre plus de 150 lbs d'efforts, ce qui rend l'utilisation d'extrêmement utile pour charger. Cela réduit l'effort nécessaire pour charger manuellement par environ la moitié, ce qui est inférieur à celui dispose d'un mécanicien à charger, mais a l'avantage de la rapidité d'utilisation, ce qui est non négligeable dans l'usage commun dans le domaine.
- assure un effort uniformément réparti sur les deux branches et un mécanisme de déclenchement corde d'accouplement centré.
- Il réduit l'effort nécessaire pour le chargement de 50%.
- facile à transporter, léger et confortable. T-poignées facilitent la traction. Il applique à l'arbalète avec facilité.
- fonctionne sur toutes les arbalètes Express® carbone et sur la plupart des produits d'autres marques.
Carbon express armeur arbalète mecanique quiet crank ref 53N695
- Reduces cocking effort by 94%
- Pulls more consistently than conventional methods and improves accuracy by ensuring equal pressure to each limb
- Quiet-clutch design with no-slip brake
- Can be easily installed or removed in seconds
- Anit-tourque mounting shaft keeps unit stable and secure during cranking
- Ambidextrous design works well for both right and left handed shooters
- Lightweight and ultra portable
- Works with all Carbon Express crossbows
Bear armeur arbalète mécanique ref 53v242
The BearX Detachable Cocking Crank reduces amount of strength required to cock the crossbow. This user-friendly cocking crank is fully detachable for ease of use and features a 600 lbs. draw weight capability. The anti-reverse mechanism prevents the crank from moving once the handle is let go and designed to fit most BearX crossbow models.
Allen armeur arbalète manuel sled ref 53R931
SLIDEGUIDE™ Crossbow Cocking Sled
- Quickly and Safely Cocks Most Crossbow Types
- Slides Up Crossbow Rails Like it’s on Air
- Compact Design Stores in Pocket Easily
- Free-glide Springs Slide Along Most Rail Widths
- Rated for Bows up to 185lbs
SLIDEGUIDE™ Crossbow Cocking Sleds are Radical from Other Cocking Sleds Because:
- They can fit many crossbow rails and are not limited to one size width-like other similar products.
- They require LESS physical force to cock your crossbow than other cocking sleds-due to a reduction of friction along the crossbow rail.
- Because the string contact points do not move, they are easier to manipulate and use than typical rope cocking devices.
- A silicone over-molded pulling handle gives you superior grip contact points to eliminate hand fatigue while cocking.
- Small product stature makes it a great candidate to stow in pockets of hunting coats, hunting packs or ground blinds.
SLIDEGUIDE™ Crossbow Cocking Sleds are unique from other cocking sleds in one radical way. SLIDEGUIDE utilizes the crossbow’s rail groove as a track to guide your cocking sled up and down the length of the rail. It also employs a self-aligning guide spring system that runs along the side of the crossbow rails to keep the sled perfectly aligned during movement. These two physical features work in tandem to keep your sled balanced, and in perfect contact with the crossbow, which makes cocking easy. In addition, because SLIDEGUIDE utilizes the geometry of the rail groove, it is less effected by the principle of friction and therefore requires less force in order to glide easily up and down the crossbow rail.
Hori zone armeur arbalète mecanique version metal ref 111403
- Crank Cocking System suitable for all Hori-Zone crossbows except Kornet Maxx, Bedlam and Rampage models.
- Significantly reduces amount of force required to tension the crossbow.
- Consistent string alignment.
- Easy to mount and use.
- Plastic version also available.
Hori zone armeur arbalète mecanique version plastic ref 111402
- Crank Cocking System suitable for all Hori-Zone crossbows except Kornet Maxx, Bedlam and Rampage models.
- Significantly reduces amount of force required to tension the crossbow.
- Consistent string alignment.
- Easy to mount and use.
- Metal version also available.
Mission armeur arbalète mecanique mxb ref A021840
Mission® Crossbows leads the industry with the first-ever silent mechanical cocking device for crossbows. The patent-pending RSD™ fits all Mission® Crossbows and can be installed or removed in a matter of a few seconds. In addition to being completely silent, the RSD™ improves accuracy through the
Excalibur armeur arbalète mecanique charger ext ref A021834
Finally, a crossbow crank system that allows you to EASILY draw your crossbow and safely decock it in complete silence.Excalibur’s new CHARGER EXT is the perfect solution for hunters that want an easy and silent mechanical crank with the ability to securely and safely decock their crossbow without
Excalibur fausse corde arbalète ref A046113
Changing strings on your Excalibur crossbow is fast and easy when you use our Crossbow Stringing Aid. It really takes the sweat out of stringing, unstringing, or changing strings!
Excalibur armeur arbalète manuel ref A032941
Our Rope Cocking Aid will allow you to comfortably load and unload** any Excalibur crossbow by reducing the felt draw weight by 50% and also will guarantee perfect string alignment for optimum accuracy. Made from highest quality components, it uses comfortable “T” handles.
Mission rail lunette arbalète ref 53H775
Rail pour optiques standard, peut être monté sur la rail inférieure de l'arbalète pour ajouter des accessoires comme bipod, lumières ou autre .
Nap lampe apache predator pour arbalète ref A056815
You can shoot what you can’t see. From hogs & predators at dawn or dusk – L.E.D. lighted stabilizers from NAP will light the way!