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bobines tranche fil
Bcy bobine tranche fil point d'encoche ref A030855
100% high tenacity nylon, bonded to improve abrasion resistance. Will not fray when cut. High strength, weather resistant. Available in red or black.
Bcy bobine tranche fil powergrip ref A047524
A new blend of tightly braided spectra and nylon yarn. Tough and durable, Resin coated, grips well.
Bcy bobine tranche fil braided halo ref A047537
100% tightly braided Spectra suitable for end or center serving. Highest durability. 014" white turns clear when served tightly.
Bcy bobine tranche fil *2X ref A030847
100% Dyneema® or Spectra - small diameter. Fits snugly into wheel tracks and covers areas on strings and cables needing protection from abrasion.
Bcy bobine tranche fil *3D ref A030854
Small diameter available from three-ply twisted Dyneema® material. Highly recommended for end servings. Servings should be tight but flexible.
Bcy bobine tranche fil braided *62XS ref A047517
20% stronger and more durable than standard black and white serving due to a higher percentage of Spectra or Dyneema®. Grips well.
Bcy bobine tranche fil 400 nylon ref A030862
The traditional end serving; also used for nock points and peeps.
Bcy bobine tranche fil braided 350 ref A030849
Small diameter traditional end serving. Also used on FITA bows.
Bcy bobine tranche fil braided *62 ref A030845
Original blend of Spectra / Dyneema® and polyester. Grips well.