Arc chasse démontable

Buck trail branches ilf source bamboo ref A054384

Buck trail branches ilf source bamboo ref A054384

87,00 €
5 1
5/ 5

This product is our Team Choice for an entry level ILF pair of limbs with a nice wooden finish!

  • ILF fitting, fits any type of ILF risers.
  • Material : Bamboo Core
  • Draw weight: 20 till 44lbs in 2lbs increments.
  • Available in short, medium and long.
  • Bamboo makes these limbs more stable due to the lateral rigidity.
  • Integrated reinforced limb tips.

Traditional ILF risers are being very popular among traditional shooters. It gives you the flexibility to change draw weight when you want. There is also much more choice when it comes to choosing ILF limbs. Although traditional archers want to keep it traditional off course. Buck Trail offers a very nice pair of limbs that meet those expectations. The Buck Trail Source has a bamboo corewooden veneer and clear fiberglass outer layers. Bamboo is also very stable and is more rigid laterally. All of this at a very interesting price.



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