cubes et sac à tir

Morrell cible portable yellow jacket suprême 3 ref a070028

Morrell cible portable yellow jacket suprême 3 ref a070028

88,00 €
5 1
5/ 5

Portable target from Morrel that can take thousands of shots!

  • 23" x 12' x 23"
  • Stops 365 feet per second.
  • Easy arrow removal.
  • Weather-resistant.
  • 2 shooting sides, 10 bullseyes.
  • Patented design.
  • E-Z tote carrying handle.
  • IFS technology.
  • 46 layers of arrow stopping power.
  • Great target for the money.
  • Excellent for compound and traditional bows.
  • Not Recommended for Outserts or Field Points Larger than Arrow Shaft.
  • Reminder*: Field Points Only!


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