axcel support de scope  accustat II ref A045307

axcel support de scope accustat II ref A045307

240,00 €
5 1
5/ 5

The Accustat II Scope is a lighter-weight, premier multi-pin micro-adjustable housing that will fit onto any Axcel sight with a 2nd and 3rd Axis removable block. It features a stronger, one-piece firepin, making the brightest possible pins. Each pin has approximately 26" of fiber around the 1-3/4" scope housing. The Accustat II has a lighter, more durable rheostat cover for added security, which can allow the archer to adjust the brightness of the pins. Offered in three and five pin configurations, with a choice of 0.010" or 0.019" pin sizes, in the color options of green, red, blue, and yellow. The Accustat II has a void in the engraving at the center of the scope for those archers that choose to use their chaser pin in the exact middle of the housing. The micro-adjustable pins work by loosening one or multiple pins for moving at a time. The Accustat II accepts a 3/8' x 32 rheostat sight light.



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